TIIMSA Training: Phase III
Transitional Intentional Interim Ministry Specialists (TIIMS) offer unique interim ministry when a United Methodist church loses a pastor to death, illness, misconduct, chronic conflict, retirement following a long pastorate, or some other circumstance. Interim ministry gives congregations space for healing and smooth transition. This 3-phase training offered by TIIMSA will prepare you to become a transition specialist and serve congregations in this special time. Through this training you will learn how to integrate your proven pastoral skill set with the dynamic strategies of interim ministry. You will be equipped to provide pastoral leadership in new and effective ways for congregations with special transitional needs.
The full 92-hour training seminar is offered in three phases spanning six months of time:
The full 92-hour training seminar is offered in three phases spanning six months of time:
- Phase I (on-site) is a four-day intensive orientation to the work of intentional interim ministry.
- Phase II is a five-month period working in a current appointment, applying the learnings gained in the first phase along with mentoring by the Phase I leaders.
- The training concludes with a three-day Phase III (on-site) gathering to integrate Phase I learnings with the Phase II experiences.
Retreat Leaders
Phase III: Sept. 26-28, 2022 |
Total Cost: $1000 |
Register and pay in full before March 1, 2022 and pay only $900.
Event Information
- Phase I held April 18-21, 2022.
- $1000 price includes all 3 phases of training. Payment may be split $600 before April event and $400 before September event.
- Register online, print and mail the registration form, or call to register at (814) 945-6512